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Math Fair

Middle School Mathematics Festival

The SCPS Middle School Mathematics Festival is offered to encourage students to develop their interests and abilities in mathematics. The Middle School Math Festival is held every April. Students from all SCPS Middle Schools are welcome to attend and participate. Each school may enter up to 4 students for participation in each event. Students may only participate in events that align with the current math course they are enrolled in. Events include individual content tests, team content tests, team engineering competition, and school poster competition. Content based tests are given in 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, Algebra 1 and Geometry. Awards are given in each individual, team, engineering, and poster competitions. A best overall school award will also be given.

High School Mathematics Contest

The SCPS High School Mathematics Contest is offered to encourage students to develop their interests and abilities in mathematics. The High School Mathematics Contest is held every April at the Lake Mary campus of Seminole State College. Students from all SCPS High Schools are welcome to attend and participate. Each school may enter up to 4 students for participation in each event. Students may only participate in events that align with the current math course they are enrolled in. Events include individual content tests in calculus, pre-calculus, algebra, geometry and statistics. Awards are given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each content test. An over-all best school award is also given for each event. Current year seniors are also eligible to compete in a scholarship competition to win a 60 credit-hour scholarship to Seminole State.