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Students receiving a Standard High School Diploma from Seminole County Public Schools must meet the indicated requirements based on their graduation year cohort.
Students in SCPS have the ability to choose different diploma pathways and options. Please click on the applicable graduation year cohort tile to view the graduation requirements and diploma pathway options.
Specialized programs such as International Baccalaureate (IB) (Winter Springs High School & Seminole High School) or collegiate programs (Crooms Academy of Information Technology & Lake Howell High School) may have different high school graduation requirements. Students participating in these specialized programs should discuss graduation requirements for their program with their school counselor.
SCPS K-12 Math Progression and Consideration for Graduation Requirements
SCPS offers many opportunities to accelerate your child's math course progression beginning in the 4th grade. Students taking Algebra 1 Honors and Geometry Honors in middle school will earn high school elective credit for those courses; grades received in those courses will be calculated into the student's high school GPA. Students electing to take high school-level math courses in middle school will still be required to meet the SCPS graduation requirements of 4 high school math credits during high school, which may result in students pursuing rigorous math courses to meet high school graduation requirements.
Related Links
SCPS Student Progression Plan - The Student Progression Plan (SPP) for Seminole County Public Schools serves as a guide to student progression, reflecting state statutes, school district policies, and administrative procedures. The SPP provides information regarding what a student must know and be able to do in order to be promoted, and what the school district has in place to assist the student in meeting promotion requirements.
SCPS Student Assignment and Program Access (SAPA) - SCPS manages a wide variety of student assignment and school choice transfer options in an effort to accommodate family choice to the maximum extent possible while also seeking to minimize overcrowded conditions, promote and maintain diverse student enrollment, support the implementation of ePathways initiatives to the maximum extent possible, and maintain compliance with any state mandates.
End of Course (EOC) Exam Grading Requirements - Per section 1003.4282, Florida Statutes, End of Course (EOC) assessments are required to be calculated as 30% of the student's final grade(s) in EOC-related courses, including EOC Access courses for students with disabilities. Each district is responsible for determining the methodology and implementation of the 30% EOC calculation.