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SCPS School Counselors and College & Career Specialists are a vital part of the ePathways team to ensure students will engage the full scope of opportunities from elementary school, continuing through middle school, and culminating in high school to prepare them for a promising future.
Certified School Counselors
The Role of the School Counselor: The Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) Comprehensive School Counseling Plan ensures that School Counselors have support to implement programming that meets the needs of all students. Guided by the vision, mission, and strategic plan of SCPS, School Counselors will establish and maintain the Conditions for Learning and provide innovative programming that leads to high academic performance, knowledge, and skill acquisition through customized pathways in a safe and caring environment.
The SCPS Comprehensive School Counseling Plan defines the roles and responsibilities of the School Counselor. It details the elements of a comprehensive school counseling program to support the design and implementation of programming based on research and evidence-based best practices. The American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model and the Florida School Counseling Framework inform the comprehensive plan. This plan makes school counseling services available to all students as a required element essential to the SCPS goals of excellence and equity.
For more information, please visit the SCPS Comprehensive School Counseling Plan.
The vision of Seminole County Public Schools Counselors is for all students to articulate a meaningful pathway promoting a life of learning, balance, and personal growth.
Our mission is to ensure customized pathway planning and to equip all students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become productive citizens.
College & Career Specialists
College & Career Specialists support students and their families to help them find their career pathways after high school. "What's Your e?" is the focus of their work, whether students will enlist, employ, or enroll. College & Career Specialists provide services to students and schools in person, virtually, through email, by phone, or by text. The service's duration is flexible based on needs. Please visit the College & Career Pathways website for more information about the services.