For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Emotional/Behavioral Disability
If you have a concern about your child's speech and/or language development, please contact your child's school. The certified school counselor or speech-language pathologist can provide more information on these services. Questions regarding services for PreK age students can be directed to the PreK Evaluation Clinic at 407.320.9406
Speech Impairment
Speech Impairments are disorders impacting the way that a student communicates based on deficits in speech sound production (articulation), fluency (stuttering), or voice. Along with displaying deficits in speech sounds, fluency, and/or voice, the student must be currently displaying an adverse impact as a result of the speech deficits in the area of academics, social interaction, and/or vocational functioning. Students who are served for a Speech Impairment will receive Speech Therapy from a certified Speech-Language Pathologist along with other supports and services as determined by the IEP team. Each school in Seminole County Public Schools has an assigned Speech-Language Pathologist.
The following link provides information about Speech Impairment:
Language Impairment
Language Impairments are disorders in one or more of the five areas of language, including phonology, semantics, syntax, morphology, and pragmatics. Along with displaying deficits in phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics, and/or pragmatics, the student must be currently displaying an adverse impact as a result of the language deficits in the area of academics, social interaction, and/or vocational functioning.
Students who are served for a Language Impairment will receive Language Therapy from a certified Speech-Language Pathologist along with other supports and services as determined by the IEP team. Each school in Seminole County Public Schools has an assigned Speech-Language Pathologist.
The following links provide supportive information about Language Impairment: