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Hospital Homebound

Hospital Homebound

A homebound or hospitalized student is a student who has a medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition that is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting medical problem, which confines the student to home or hospital and restricts activities for an extended period. The corresponding definition is in State Board of Education Rule 6A-6.03020, Florida Administrative Code (FAC).


Your school’s Certified School Counselor or

  Frequently Asked Questions

Any public school student whose physician (MD) or psychiatrist (MD) certifies that the student is:

Note: Students/Parents should request Hospital Homebound services before scheduled surgery or as soon as it is anticipated they might miss 15 days or more of school. If in doubt, make the request.

  1. What is Hospital/Homebound?

    Hospital/Homebound is a service to continue instruction at home or in the hospital for a student who is physically or emotionally too ill to attend school. Hospital Homebound is not a school of choice and state criteria for eligibility must be met.

  2. Who is eligible?
    • being treated by a physician for a condition that is acute, chronic or catastrophic in nature

    • expected to be absent from school for at least 15 consecutive school days.

    • confined to the home or hospital and unable to participate in community or recreational activities

    • able to participate in and benefit from an instructional program

    • able to receive an instructional program without endangering the health and safety of the instructor or other students the instructor may come in contact..

  3. How do I request services?

    The parent, guardian, or adult student (18 years old) should complete the parent portion of the Request for Hospital Homebound Services packet and submit information to the guidance office at the student's school.The parent portion of the Request for Hospital Homebound Services is available on the Seminole County Public School website and from the Hospital Homebound office.

    Certified School Counselors will then give the packet completed by the parent to the School Board Nurse. The nurse contacts the physician (must be an MD), and the physician completes the physician portion of the packet.

    After the physician returns his/her completed portion to the School Board Nurse, a meeting is scheduled at the student's school to determine eligibility for Hospital Homebound services.

  4. What happens during the Eligibility Meeting?

    Once all of the information is received from the parent, guardian, or adult student and the physician, a team at the student's zoned school meets to determine eligibility. If the student is eligible for Hospital Homebound services, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed. If the student is ineligible, a school-based plan is created to help meet the student's needs.

  5. How is instruction delivered in the Hospital Homebound Program?

    Instruction depends on the age, grade level, and needs of the student. Examples include instruction from a teacher in the home, PLATO courses, virtual courses through Seminole County Virtual or Florida Virtual, or any combination of these delivery models.

  6. My child is out of school. How are the absences addressed?

    Until Hospital Homebound eligibility is determined, parents need to follow SCPS attendance procedures. Parents should contact the student's school counselor and attendance office for further guidance.

  7. What about schoolwork while a student is waiting for eligibility into the Hospital Homebound Program?

    Hospital Homebound is not responsible for work assigned prior to enrollment in the Hospital Homebound program. Parents are encouraged to contact the child's school to request assignments.

  8. Will my child earn grades while receiving Hospital Homebound services?

    At the end of each quarter, a student in the Hospital Homebound program will earn a grade for proficiency of any work or assessments completed. A grade report is sent to the home as well as to the student's school.

    The Hospital Homebound grade may be used alone or in combination with other grades at school, dependent on the start date of instruction in the Hospital Homebound program.

  9. Is there any cost to parents?

    No. Students eligible for Hospital Homebound are provided services at no cost to the parent.

  10. Are Hospital/Homebound services available for students with a diagnosed psychiatric condition?

    Yes. Students who have an acute or catastrophic condition, which confines them to the home or hospital, may request Hospital Homebound services.

    If you have a concern regarding your student's mental health, please reach out to your student's assigned certified school counselor. If you have questions about mental health resources, contact the Mental Health Program Specialist, Lindsey Manning, at

  11. Can students keep up with their academic work while receiving Hospital/Homebound service?

    Absolutely! Until the student is determined eligible for the Hospital Homebound program, the student should be communicating with his/her teachers to come up with an alternate way to complete assignments during the absence. The student can have the teachers compile assignments to be picked up and returned to the teachers in the office. Most middle school and high school assignments are on ecampus and can be completed electronically. Communication is key!!

    The Hospital Homebound program is not intended to be a replacement for all school instruction, activities, program access, or as an alternative to regular school attendance.

  12. Are pregnant students eligible?

    Normally progressing pregnancies without medical complications are not eligible for Hospital Homebound. If there are medical complications to the pregnancy, they must be validated by the attending physician.

  13. Are other options available?

    Yes, Virtual School and Home School are also available. Please check with your student's school counselor or the Seminole County Public School website for additional information.