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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child attend any school for VPK? And what about kindergarten?
Because VPK is optional, students who live in Seminole County may attend any SCPS VPK school- you do not have to attend your zoned school for VPK. Acceptance into one of our VPK program sites is not automatic enrollment in your preferred elementary school for kindergarten. ALL parents MUST enroll their student in their zoned elementary school or apply to the school of choice during the kindergarten application/enrollment period.

What documents do I need to register my child for VPK?

  • The child's birth certificate

  • VPK Certificate of Eligibility

  • The parent's driver's license, car registration, or voter registration

  • Recent electric bill

  • Proof of residency (current lease or deed)

  • Child's Immunization Record

  • Proof of Physical (within a year)

Do I need all of my documents to enroll?
Yes, incomplete registrations will not be processed

Can I change my child to another school?

Students may only transfer one time per state guidelines. In order to transfer locations, you will need to obtain a re-enrollment certificate from the parent portal where you obtained the original VPK certificate. If you have questions please contact the Early Learning Coalition of Seminole, as the VPK office does not issue certificates.

Are VPK students allowed to ride the bus?
No. VPK students may not ride the bus due to the State guidelines for transporting 4 year olds. 

For full day students, who pays for lunch?
The lunch procedures are the same as for K-12 students. Parents may pack their child's lunch, apply for free/reduced lunch, or purchase one from the cafeteria.

Who can pick my child up from school?
Your child must be picked up by an adult, 18 years or older. Children will only be released to adults listed on the Student Information Card. For student safety, there are no exceptions to this.

Can a VPK student attend KidZone (Extended Day)?
KidZone is available at all sites at an additional cost. Parents apply directly online to KidZone.

Can VPK students only come for a half-day if it's a full day site?
The full day sites are designed to accommodate parents who need full day care, therefore students cannot attend part time at a full day location. If a 3-hour program is desired, the student will have to attend a VPK site that offers the 3-hour program.

Can a 3 year old or a young kindergartener attend VPK?
No. By law, the VPK program is only for students who are 4 years old on or before September 1st of the current year. However, students who turn 4 years of age between February 1- September 1 of the enrolling year, have the option to attend VPK at 4-years of age, or 5-years of age, providing that the child hasn't already attended VPK in the state of Florida.

How many adults and students will be in the classroom?
Each class may have no more than 20 students. The ratio of adults to children is 1:11 or 2:20.

What credentials will the teacher have?
VPK teachers must have a CDA (Child Development Associate) or higher, such as an AA in Early Childhood or a Bachelor's Degree in Pre-K - 3. If their degree is in a field outside of Early Childhood, they must have taken at least 6 hours of Early Childhood coursework.