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Dual Languages

Dual Languages

A young girl presents a project to her classmates in a colorful classroom.Dual Language Programs are those in which two languages are used for instruction. In Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) the two languages are English and Spanish. The Program develops listening, speaking, reading and writing proficiency in both languages while maintaining high expectations and rigorous standards for all students.

Mission Statement

To develop and maintain grade-level language proficiency in English and Spanish, as well as academic achievement in reading, mathematics, science, and social studies for English Language Learners. The program provides language enrichment opportunities for English-dominant children. Ultimately, the goal is to empower students to become bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural individuals who will be successful members of a global society.

Program Objectives

  • Students will become bilingual and bi-literate.
  • Students will achieve academic excellence in two languages.
  • Students will develop cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Students will meet Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for each grade level content area for promotion and graduation requirements.

Admission Criteria

Interested parents/guardians should contact the school for an application. The parents/guardians of selected students must sign the Program Commitment Contract. Selected students are expected to remain in the program for the duration of the school year.

Please see Dual Language Program Brochure (English) for more information.