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Positive Behavior Support

Positive Behavior Support

Florida PBISThe Positive Behavior Support: A Multi-Tiered Support System (PBS: MTSS) process is a team-based approach that relies on a strong collaboration between families and professionals from a variety of disciplines regardless of the level implemented. PBS provides a positive and effective alternative to the traditional methods of discipline. PBS methods are research-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance. PBS is consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which advocates the use of positive behavior interventions and school-based disciplinary strategies that reduce or eliminate the need to use suspension and expulsion as disciplinary options.

Staff from every Seminole County public school have been previously trained and may implement Positive Behavior Support Programming in their school. Our district has many schools (20) designated MODEL schools through the Positive Behavior Intervention Support climate change interventions in their school.

Want to learn more about Positive Behavior Support, and how it interfaces with MTSS (Multi-tiered System of Support)? Click the links below.