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Hearing Screening Program

Hearing Screening

At Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) our Hearing Screening Team performs annual hearing screenings for all students assigned to grades K, 1, 3, 6 and any other elementary students new to the state of Florida. The results of these screenings are kept in the students' health records at their school.

The pure tone audiometric screenings are done at each school. Those students who exhibit difficulty with the screening will be rescreened 2-4 weeks after the initialscreening. At that time, if hearing difficulty is evident, a tympanometric screening is done.

A district audiologist then reviews the screening results of the students who appear to have hearing difficulty. Referrals are made for medical and/or audiological follow-ups based on the screening results. The parents of the students who need follow-ups are notified of these results by mail. The district audiologist can answer questions about the screening results and recommendations made.