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Library Catalogs

Library Catalogs

The Insignia Software Library Catalog app icon with a heart icon and a clickable hand cursor.In addition to each school's physical library media collection, we are proud to provide SCPS students and staff with 24/7/365 access to Sora, by OverDrive, an online book collection.

SCPS students and staff can access an individual school's library collection or search all available SCPS libraries to find print or eBooks. Please contact your school for your login and password.

Our Insignia Library Software allows students and parents access to all books and textbooks cataloged in our SCPS schools. Students can access Insignia by logging into the Clever Portal and clicking on the Insignia tile.

SCPS elementary schools have also cataloged all classroom libraries in Libib. To view a school's classroom library collections, please follow the link titled "Classroom" next to the appropriate school. All collections are listed by teacher or collection type. 

SCPS Media Collections

Would you like to recommend a book for your student's school library? Please click submit your recommendation here

SCPS Media Collections (Public access, ALL Sites)

Elementary Schools

Middle School

High Schools


  • Let's Read Seminole (Library)
  • Student Success Express  (Library, located under Classroom Libraries)
  • Early Learning  (Library, located under Classroom Libraries)